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by Walrus Audio

Effect Pedals -> Fuzz
Our Price: $179.99 


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1 In Stock - Brand New

  • Product Information

From Walrus Audio:

The Jupiter is a true bypass fuzz pedal inspired by the desire for gritty, thick and loud fuzz. Fuzz pedals tend to emphasize specific frequency ranges, which is both a positive and negative attribute. The Jupiter’s controls allow you the ability to dial in the right amount of fuzz with the right tonal quality to either stand out in the mix, or ride it out with the drums and rhythm. It includes a Mode switch that changes between three different clipping diode arrangements, providing more options and combinations of fuzz and tone and a Bass boost toggle switch for increased low end.

9V DC 10mA – 4.77 x 2.9 x 2.3 inches

The use of an isolated power supply is recommended for powering all Walrus Audio Pedals. Daisy chain power supplies are not recommended.

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Jupiter by Walrus Audio