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334-329-7529  |  Today: 10am-8pm

Susan Ray - Piano

Why are you Passionate about Teaching Music?
Music is the language of the heart. As a teacher, I am very passionate about teaching students the endless possibilities the piano has. Every genre of music can be played with this instrument! I’ve been known to lose track of time when playing the piano.

What makes you unique from other teachers?
From beginners to advanced. I love all levels of music. I love the look on a beginners face when they realize that the notes are coming together to make a real song and advanced students always amaze me with their determination and perseverance!

How would you describe the atmosphere/energy in your teaching studio?
I love music!!! I think that shows in how I teach. I love students to feel encouraged, motivated, and ready to take on new pieces. Playing the piano sparks the imagination and opens the door wide for creativity!

What is something fun about you that you would like people to know?
I stayed on an island off the coast of Maine. I’ve sung at weddings all over the States. I have 7 siblings.

What are your passions outside of teaching?
Singing. Learning languages. Poetry. Flower arranging. Writing lyrics. And having fun with all my nieces and nephews.