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334-329-7529  |  Today: 10am-8pm

Rachel Pair - Voice, Piano, and Theatre

Why are you Passionate about Teaching Music?
There is a certain magic that happens when a student and the music “click” – I live for that look on their faces and the energy in the room! Music has the power to change people’s lives in both big and small ways, and being a facilitator of that creative outlet is a dream come true. I’ve worked with kids in some capacity for most of my life, and I count the opportunity to be an encourager and an instructor as a huge gift.

What makes you unique from other teachers?
I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts in musical theatre from Auburn University, so my foundation is one of acting through song and breathing life into music, regardless of the genre! Also, I LOVE working with students on any audition/theatre material. With my background comes a specific passion where music is concerned, and I do my best to help my students feel that as well. Whether we’re belting out Evita or playing Ode to Joy for the 4th time :)

How would you describe the atmosphere/energy in your teaching studio?
Positive, FUN, and safe. A huge goal of mine is to have an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable, known, and free to be exactly who they are. To make the hiccup mistakes and ask the questions, while feeling supported and encouraged along the way. There will never be a lack of fun in my studio, but that also comes paired with a constant strive for technique, understanding, and progress!

What is something fun about you that you would like people to know?
Fleetwood Mac is my favorite band of all time, green is my favorite color, and one summer I lived in New York City & performed in a musical!

What are your passions outside of teaching?
I love reading, cooking, pottery, watching films, live music, day trips outside of Auburn, and drinking coffee! (I like to think my studio is like iSpy and there will always be coffee somewhere to be found.) But most importantly, I love spending time with my pesky pup Samson, my friends, and my awesome family.