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334-329-7529  |  Today: 10am-8pm

Paul Gross - Guitar, Bass and Ukulele

Why are you Passionate about Teaching Music?
To show students the awesomeness of guitar and to see the look on their faces when they learn their first song.

Everyone needs that "3rd thing" in their life: Work, home, ____.

I like to show people that music is the best 3rd.

What makes you unique from other teachers?
I'm bigger and balder! I can teach most styles of guitar, I can play a million songs and at night I dress up like a bat and fight crime.
I also love blues and classic rock.

How would you describe the atmosphere/energy in your teaching studio?
1.Fun 2.Fun 3.Funner
As long as the student follows Paul's Rules: 1. Paul is always right! 2. If paul is wrong, refer to rule #1.

What is something fun about you that you would like people to know?
I love reading novels and long walks on the beach.

What are your passions outside of teaching?
My wife and family.
Playing guitar-always learning.