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334-329-7529  |  Today: 10am-8pm

Joanna Hotten - Violin

Why are you Passionate about Teaching Music?
Music has been a way for me to recharge and explore my creative side! It is such an incredible outlet and I want to help young musicians do the same!

What makes you unique from other teachers?
I want the student to feel comfortable and play the style that they feel confident in! I want the students to always have a say in what pieces they want to play.

How would you describe the atmosphere/energy in your teaching studio?
Fun, energetic, supportive, and very flexible!

What is something fun about you that you would like people to know?
I used to be a competitive gymnast and can hold a handstand for over a minute! And I took my violin with me to the Czech Republic and have played music over 5000 miles away!

What are your passions outside of teaching?
Nursing! I am currently in Auburn’s Nursing School and I am so passionate about nursing and helping my patients! Also I love exercising and staying healthy:)