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334-329-7529  |  Today: 10am-8pm

Chase Allen - Guitar, Bass, Ukulele

Why are you Passionate about Teaching Music?
My passion for music comes from the genuine feeling of excitement that goes along with performing and listening in general. Music is an incredible outlet for creative expression and I want to share that with my students and allow for them to see the joy that comes along with it.

What makes you unique from other teachers?
I make a point of teaching the fundamentals (scales, rudiments, etc.) through a relatable way, so learning isn't taking away from why the student wanted to pick up the instrument in the first place. So, if the student wants to learn a song, we can break down that piece and learn from it.

How would you describe the atmosphere/energy in your teaching studio?
Fun, exciting, and full of smiles.

What is something fun about you that you would like people to know?
I graduated from the Atlanta Institute of Music in 2012 with honors. I also play professionally around the southeast with the band Trotline.

What are your passions outside of teaching?
I am an avid motorcycle enthusiast, a listener of all types of music and an animal lover.